If the Sigety family were a sports team, we’d have three players. Well, two players and a mascot. John Sigety, Kim Sigety and our Beta Fish, Chopper Sigety. Let’s call us the Sigety Swimmers…or maybe the Sigety Choppers? That’d be more intimidating, but it lacks that alliteration factor I love so much.
Decision: Sigety Swimmers
Our team was formed in January of 2009. We’ve really only had a few seasons so far, but we’ve got a pretty good track record if I do say so myself! Right now we’re small in numbers, but more players will join the team in the coming years. They’ll need a lot of coaching and they’ll be quite the rookies though. So that leaves two star players (plus a mascot) to take on some challenging teams.
Our most intimidating match-up this season? The Dreaded Dallas Internship. (Did you just shudder like the Hyenas from Lion King when they hear the name Mufasa? Oh…just me huh? Moving on then…) Haven’t heard of this team? Well, the key players on the Dallas Internship roster might give you an idea of our what we’re up against: distance, boredom, loneliness, and communication solely via cell phone.
Some days are tougher than others against this rival – but three key ESPN-worthy tips are really helping my team’s morale.
What would a sports game be without the fans? Luckily, John and I both have our own versions of the home court advantage going on. John is at home in Dallas, so that gives him the comfort and added uplift of the parentals. As for me, friends in and out of New Orleans and Family members on both the Sigety and Dalton sides have taken on the role of my personal cheerleaders. (and yes – if you fall into one of these categories, I just pictured you in a cheer uniform – nice legs! Woo hoo!) Knowing that you have people cheering you on and supporting you means the world when it comes down to those difficult games.
God is definitely the much needed Coach for the Sigety Swimmers! When the game gets long, it’s nice to know that He’s there helping us through to the end. He knows the perfect plays that will help the time pass quickly. He’s also placing trainers and additional coaches in our path to help us gain strength during this time that we’re apart. You definitely won’t find this coach yelling on the sidelines, but the constant and quiet assurances of guidance and direction are eternally profound. It’s also nice that God gave us a playbook (the scriptures) to help us know what to do to conquer the competition. Without a Coach you can trust – who’s leading the way to victory? So glad we know who’s leading us – it honestly makes all the difference.
My Dad (a sports enthusiast and former football coach) loves the word “Yagottawanna.” This sums up the last tip that’s really helped us during our current Dallas Internship face-off. It means you have to WANT to do something if you even want to ever think about accomplishing it. That’s the key: an ACTIVE desire, and not just wishful hoping. John and I want to win so we can be stronger and closer when this game is over. We’ve got the desire – and now we’re giving it our all! Yes, we’ll overcome and conquer the “Dreaded Dallas Internship” (I’m so dramatic) because that’s what the Sigety Swimmers do. Guaranteed there will be bigger, stronger, and more intimidating teams for us to face in the future, but for now – all we have to worry about is this one game. Even if the time clock still says that we’ve got one month left. lol Dang! But when the next game shows up on our schedule, I’ve no doubt that we’ll be stronger and more ready because of what we’re facing now.
I know this post was incredibly corny – but I thought it’d be a fun topic to explore today (and honestly, who are we kidding? If you read my blog – corny is what you’ve come to expect!) Besides, it made me think about the bond that comes when you really think of you and your spouse as a team. What an amazing thing to face the challenges of the world as a couple (and one day a family). Cue blog background music of “We Are a Family” while Kim dances in all her white girl glory.
So tell me…what’s your family’s team name? Facing any tough games or rivals of your own this season? Whatever your present lineup looks like…make sure you take the time to acknowledge your fans cheering you on through the tough times (mental picture: Kim in a cheer outfit chanting YOUR name! You’re welcome in advance for that bit of mind candy) And don’t forget to always talk to your Coach and never lose your desire to win.
Wow. Who knew I could make a sports post so totally girly? I guess that’s what happens when you have a lady brain and you try to write a masculine post. Well, you can’t say I didn’t try!
Here are a few shots of us in action:

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