Thursday, June 3, 2010


Remember when you were four years old and you begged your mom to take you swimming? You could usually convince her to head to the pool. Score! And when you arrived, it was as if some invisible poolside master of ceremonies announced:


You both took your places: mom in a lounge chair and you in the water.


From that moment on, it was ESSENTIAL that your mom watch anything and everything you proceeded to do. Rules of the game: get mom to watch your awesome self so you can then see her thrilled reaction even if she is sun bathing, reading, relaxing, snacking, or any number of other activities. Aren’t high maintenance children the best?! (Especially when they’re named Kim, right mom? Watch me write this blog mom! Watch me! Watch me!)

First you plugged your nose and stuck your head under water, but only after calling out, “Mom – watch me!” Then you plunged your whole body under water to attempt a flip. But before you disappeared out of sight you yelled – “Hey Mom, watch this!” Next you hopped into the pool via one of the following: the cannon ball, the pencil jump, the jack-knife, the spin jump, the standing fall into the water dive, the crazy flail your arms jump, but most usually the intentional or accidental belly flop. Of course you only proceeded with any of the aforementioned moves after repeatedly pleading with your mom to watch and behold your amazingness.

In the end, it always came down to the most exciting part - the last 5 minutes. This climax of the game was signaled by a well known albeit dreaded buzzer (ie: Mom yelling out that you had to leave in 5 minutes).

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Four year old you cried while flapping floatie-clad arms in protest.

Then the game intensified and the countdown began. The first minute was a dramatic dispute of the fact that she wanted to make you leave. How dare she! Then quickly it turned into bartering back and forth as you tried to talk your way into more time. Mom always won. Even if she gave you a little more time, she was still the ultimate authority to pull the plug on pool time. Behold the power of motherhood.

So you surrendered (only after making the sourest face you possibly could) and vowed to make the remaining four minutes at the pool the best of the whole day.

You swam – “Mom watch!” You jumped – “Mom look!” You dove – “Mom, check this out!” You plugged your nose – “Mom watch me!” You splashed – “Look how cool I am Mom!” You touched the bottom of the pool – “Mom! Mommy! Mama!” You ventured to the deep end – “Mom, look at me!” You stuck your head under the water and came up with a Martha Washington hair-do – “Check me out Mom!” You pushed off the side of the pool – “Did you see me Mom?” You blew bubbles – “Watch Mom, watch!” You recruited your friends to synchronize swim – “Hey Mom, watch us!” You swam from one end of the pool to the other – “Watch me! Watch me! Watch me!” And with that, your final five minutes was up. Game over. Towel time.

Now although I’d like to say that I’ve completely outgrown this stage of my life – let’s face it - I can’t. And truth is, you probably can’t either. It’s a universal desire, the desire to be watched, or maybe a better word might be recognized. And as adults, we may not so blatantly or frequently scream for others to watch us, but rest assured, this four year old still swims inside us with the same desire. No matter how minute or monumental our achievements – it’s nice to feel noticed, and it’s nice to think that others approve of, and ideally appreciate what we do.

Recently, a few of you have told me that you’ve read my blog and a couple of you were even so nice as to say you like it. Get out! Really? You can’t see it, but I’m smiling and blushing (and eating a Twix – but that’s beside the point) :) So today I just want to say THANK YOU to all you PresentBliss readers out there. You are my metaphorical moms at the pool. (Sorry I didn't get you anything for Mother's Day) But I guess that makes me the pesky four-year-old vying for your attention…Oops! Yes, you’ve fed the four year old Kim inside of me who loves that you took the time to watch, or I guess read in this case, what I’ve written.

Thanks for adding to my present bliss and for making me feel important. It sure is nice to be noticed. So here’s to you, you wonderful readers you! Thank you!!!


  1. I laughed right out loud at the martha washington hairdo - I had totally forgotten about that. Thanks for taking me back to the good old days when I was the watch-ee, not the watch-er. And yes, I love your blog and very willingly will give you five more minutes to write. :)

  2. Kim you are hilarious! I miss you and your broadcast news voice. i hope you are doing well.

  3. (You must be really old! No color film when you were 4? Just kidding, Kim.) I love your blog too. Your post reminded me of summer days gone by when I had 5 children begging me to watch their swimming accomplishments. Can't wait till I have grandkids that are begging me to "watch grammy, watch me"!

  4. You are too cute . . .and so is your blog! You are a fabulous writer and maybe your blog could be on all video so we could watch the live broadcast! :)

  5. Your blog is my favorite workday distraction :) Today I got to read TWO in a row! Makes me miss you.


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