Realization: Law school and babies have a lot in common...
• Both are the cause of many sleepless nights
• Sometimes they stink (one more literally, the other more figuratively)
• They demand a lot of your time
• They come with a lot of luggage (all that baby stuff vs. books galore)
• Did someone say expensive? Oh ya – we did! Both cost the big bucks
• They both need constant attention
• No matter how much you prepare, each day always comes with new surprises
• You have less “ME” time than you used to
• You find yourself speaking another language (baby talk vs legal-ese)
• There is very little feedback as to whether you’re parent-ing/student-ing well along the way
• Both will most likely cost you the price of tuition (college for the kiddo vs. law school tuition)
• You find yourself constantly bringing up your baby (whether the human or law school variety) in social conversations
• Both are a constant worry on your mind (definitely not a 9-5 work load)
• The payoffs most often come in the long term and not the short term
• By the time you’re done with both – you’ve got a whole new set of skills
John is doing the bulk of the parenting with our law school child, and when I say bulk of it, I mean all of it. Legally speaking - You make a great Dad John! Keep workin hard :)
Oh ya, and law school doesn’t cuddle you, smile at you, or love you. Law school should really work on that. Just a suggestion.
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