Monday, May 3, 2010


All white walls and Tupperware containers for bedside tables – oh Kimberly – style suicide! HGTV just called to say that they are VERY disappointed in you. How could you let it come to this? You know you can do much, much, better! It’s time to prove that you have style – it’s game time… make-over game time!

Yes, my apartment is screaming for a makeover. My wallet, on the other hand, is speaking the voice of reason. Time for a compromise! (Or as Michael Scott would say: a "win-win-win solution")

So here we go: MISSION PIMP MY APARTMENT STARTS RIGHT NOW! Anyone else so excited that they just peed a little? Oh…just me huh? Well - GET EXCITED!!


Mission: Revamp My Downtown New Orleans Apartment

Budget: $300.00

Time frame: Has to be done before 4th of July weekend. (This is when I get to give John the "BIG WONDERFUL CLIMACTIC APARTMENT MAKE-OVER REVEAL" Do you think I could get one of those Extreme Makeover: Home Edition buses to show up at my apartment that weekend? lol)

Then here's where you come in: I'll be posting my design finds here for you to give your opinions. I'd love it if you'd leave ideas/advice for me too. I’m striving for something chic, unique, funky, fun and comfortable because...well...who really needs a reason!? hehe I'm hoping it will look IKEA worthy when I'm done. But on a tight budget - we'll just have to see what we can do. Any money savvy style ideas ladies?


  1. garage sales and thrift stores! Don't be fooled of how they look as is. You can do some amazing makeovers on some items. They just require a little paint, sanding etc. I found a little kiddie table in my dumpster not too long ago that I'm fixing up and it's looking adorable! Can't wait to see what you post... good luck!

  2. Hey, how's it coming? It sounds fun! We're moving into a new place in August and I'm already thinking about what I can do with it, you'll have to give me some pointers. One thing I've really been looking at is making-over already existing and drab furniture in my house. You can find tons of ideas online!


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