Tuesday, April 20, 2010


“Procrastination is a crime, it only leads to sorrow. I can stop it anytime – I think I will tomorrow.”

Ah the illusive tomorrow. Seemingly close, yet forever fixed in the future. It’s today’s free ticket that gets cashed in on tomorrow’s time. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal huh? Believe me – I’ve tried it many times and it never quite adds up to way you think it will.

Truth is - it’s easier to say you’ll start fresh tomorrow, because it allows you to continue doing whatever you want today. It means you get to send out today with a bang because you promise that tomorrow you’ll behave.

All too often I find myself caught in this procrastination paradox and stuck at the crossroads of indecision where I have to choose to complete something today or put it off until tomorrow. So in an attempt to build a life of accomplishments rather than a heap of unfinished hopes – I’m starting TODAY with a new outlook:
My goals aren’t going to accomplish themselves no matter how much I commit to working towards them tomorrow. Starting TODAY I will be looking at my choices a little more closely. And if you happen to see me with an awkward look on my face – don’t worry, I’m probably just doing something uncomfortable that I would’ve rather done tomorrow, but chose to do today. It’s good for me right? I’m hoping that after some practice, what seems totally sucky today will seem wonderful tomorrow when I’m looking down from the peak of accomplishment at how high I climbed yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that and the day before that, and…well you get the idea.

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