Friday, April 16, 2010


We’ve all heard of “day-old” baked goods, right? Well I’ve got that beat. How about 469 day old baked goods?! Can I get a baked goods BOO YAH!!!


Picture it: A three tier culinary masterpiece of white butter cream fun-fetti lemon-filled wedding cake bliss. Yup, 469 days ago John and I tied the knot, cut the cake, and sealed the deal. All around a wonderfully memorable day – thanks to the help of our family and friends! But who would have thought that 469 days later my mom would still be helping us keep the wedding day magic alive – and with sugar no less!

You see, as wedding tradition states – the Bride and Groom are to save and eat the top tier of their wedding cake on their first anniversary. But for us, January 2nd 2010 rolled around and there was a slight problem. Our cake was hogging freezer space at my parent’s house in California while we were across the country in New Orleans!

(This is that point in the story where if my life were one of those old super hero shows, the announcer would chime in and say: “Will John and Kim really never see their wedding cake again? Is wedding tradition doomed to be ruined forever? Will their marriage stand the test of time without this tier of tastiness? Be sure to tune in next week as our story continues”) But lucky for you – I’ll finish the story right now and not make you wait for my next post. haha

So where were we? Oh yes, we were at the point in our story where most people (probably you reading this blog) would just say – oh well, who cares, it’s just some old cake. That may be what YOU say, but not my mom! This cake had kept its place in her freezer well past the annual mark, but by golly, she was going to keep with tradition! And when my parents got off the plane to see us in New Orleans for the first time on April 15, 2010 - There she was with a twinkle in her eye and a carry-on in hand.

Patiently I waited, and after dinner that night, it was time. I walked over to her Mary-Poppins bag of wedding wonder and there, wrapped in foil and still slightly chilled, was the top layer of our wedding cake! We figured we better at least try it, for traditions sake. And when I say "we" let's not kid ourselves - I mean ME! I cut the corner piece and took the first bite. Sugar-y. Icing-y. Lemon-y. Yumm-y! Surprisingly yummy! This 469 day old cake wasn’t too bad. In fact, it was pretty good! Much better than expected. I had two pieces, what?

So the real super hero of our story here? Definitely Pat Dalton – for without her the world would forever wonder what John and Kim’s wedding cake would taste like 469 days later. And without her wedding tradition would have been irrevocably frustrated. And without her, my life would be much more cakeless and much less fun. So here’s to you, sweet mother, for letting me have my cake - my 469 day old cake - and eat it too.

1 comment:

  1. I was kind of scared to try my year old wedding cake too, but it was suprisingly good, as you discovered also. Gotta love that mom! Hope you guys had a fun weekend together!


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