Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Juan's Flying Labor Inducer

Sometimes I get pregnant. And sometimes I'm due on September 15th. And sometimes I set an induction date with my doctor and kinda get nervous about it. And sometimes I try to induce labor before said induction date with all my little heart.

This just so happens to be one of those sometimes.

And so...Last night John and I headed out on our final date as a family of two. And since nothing says romantic quite like burritos - Juan's Flying Burrito was the obvious choice of restaurants. Added bonus? We were sure we could find something spicy to cater to the old wives tales of labor induction myth and magic.

Now, going out while MAJORLY pregnant is always a funny experience. People stare at you. But not in disgust, and not as if you're some sort of celebrity. They look at you with that look that's reserved only for the pregnants in the world.  Any woman who's ever been pregnant knows exactly what I'm talking about.

So luckily before I could stick my belly out and yell out to the whole restaurant, "YES - I'm huge and pregnant.  Now carry on with your lives!!!" - we were seated. (whew)

The waiter approached our table...a tall man with glasses that magnified his eyeballs to twice their normal size. He seemed a little shy, so I couldn't wait to see how he'd react when I asked him to help me induce labor.

"What's the spiciest sauce you've got?" I asked. "You see, we're trying to get me to have this baby...and we're looking for something really spicy to get things going."

First came an awkward laugh...and then the real suggestion: Habanero Sauce - the hottest in the house.


For explanations sake, have any of you seen those sour patch kids commercials? You know the one: The little sour patch kid does something super mean, and then the announcer says "First they're sour." But then the sour patch kid does something nice, to which the announcer then says "Then they're sweet."

Keep that in mind. Only in the case of the Habanero Sauce, it goes a little more like this: First its kinda sweet and fruity...then your mouth CATCHES ON FIRE!!!

Ok, that's a bit (a lot) of an exaggeration - but for a girl who rarely ventures into the realm of spicy - this was to be an experience.  Especially when you add in that John and I split a chipotle burrito with added jalepenos.  Go big or go home, right?  And since I, the huge pregnant lady, was most assuredly going home BIG (as all the eyes in the restaurant so graciously reminded me) we were sparing no spicy expense.

So, after a delicious hour of eating, nose running, mouth burning and water drinking - the inducement was over.  But as you can probably guess from the fact that I'm writing this post...Juan's Flying Labor Inducer turned out to induce little more than a full stomach, and a few mild contractions.  I would have appreciated the opposite: a mildly filled stomach and full contractions - but that's a little much to ask from a burrito joint I suppose.  Also a little much to ask?  A waiter who can take a decent picture.  Check out these kodak moments....can we say SCARY???

And with that, dear readers, I give you my final post before I become a mom.  But rest assured - I will not start endorsing the use of "mommy jeans" or tell you to "clean your plate" in subsequent posts.  And if I do?  You have my full permission to call me out and convene an intervention to save me from all things frumpy and uncool.

Seriously though, here's the scoop:

I go in Thursday night to be induced.  I'm progressing pretty well - so the doctor thinks I'll respond nicely to just a small amount of medication to get things going.  I agreed to be induced about 3 weeks ago though, back when I wasn't really progressing at all.  At that point I felt defeated.  I felt like I had failed in some way.  Wasn't my body just supposed to open up and birth the baby - kinda like some crazy magic trick?  Not pull a rabbit out of my hat magic - but I guess pull a baby out of my vagina magic?  Yuck.  Gross analogy - but it made me, sorry, but I'm choosing not to delete it.

Anyway, when I'd set my induction date, I figured (told myself) it wouldn't come down to that in the end.  I'd progress and then ABRACADABRA - we Sigetys would have ourselves a baby before September 15th.    Yet here we are on the 14th and not even the likes of Juan's Flying Burrito could get my sweet little baby to come out.  Darn me and my apparently very comfortable uterus...Scooter is too content and happy in there!  Now let's just hope he's as happy OUT of the womb as he is IN the womb.  And let's hope that I TOO am as happy with him OUT of the womb as I am with him IN the womb.  Cause, there's no turning back.  No refunds.  All sales final.  And no getting off the mommy coaster now.

Luckily, I don't want to get off the mommy coaster.  And in all reality - I am confident.

I trust my doctor, I trust my body, and most of all - I trust my Heavenly Father.  I feel his support for the decisions I've made up to this point...and I know that He will be with me now during every step of this experience.

In fact, while writing this post, my Doctor just called and we talked through a few concerns I've had.  What an answer to prayer.  An answer that only further solidifies my faith in the words of the Savior: "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." (John 14:18)

I can't wait to meet my baby!

And now I'm going to sit back and bask in my final moments as a pregnant.  I'm climbing up that mommy coaster.  It's time to throw my hands in the air and enjoy the ride.

Here we go!!!


  1. Kim- I love you and am SO EXCITED for you! You have a fabulous blog and I need to do better at reading it (life go so busy I just stopped reading blogs)- you are such a good writer. We are rooting and praying for you. Can't wait for my nephew to make his grand entrance. Love ya!

  2. Need I remind you John Rowe was 2 weeks late? (As a matter of fact , I quit answering my phone after going past my due date. Got tired of everyone asking "haven't you had that baby yet?") You've done an amazing job,Kim, in providing a healthy environment for this new life. Can't wait to see his sweet face and hold him for the first time! Love, love, love!

  3. YAY Kim!! GO, Go, GO!! I'll be thinking of you tonight! Can't wait to read all about little Scooter! You're going to be a fabulous mom and this drop on the coaster is so fun and scary and one you want to ride again, regardless of what happens because having babies and seeing and watching them grow is so amazing and being a mom is so life changing. :)


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