Friday, July 8, 2011


I distinctly remember my mom saying to me in high school, "You need another purse like you need another hole in your head." (ie: I didn't need anymore purses...haha) And even though I've purged my life of many of my seems I still have more than I know how to organize.

That is, until I happened upon this little gem from REAL SIMPLE. I'm not sure how well it would accomodate the larger (ok - GINORMOUS) purse trends of today...but it still looks a whole lot more organized than my current pile on the closet floor.

Anyone else have tips on how they manage to keep their purses organized and ready for the grabbing? I've found myself being a "one-purse-wonder" lately as I'm too lazy (and let's be honest - too pregnant) to get on my hands and knees in the back of the closet to find a purse that actually matches. Maybe if they were hanging in plain sight I would opt for the switcheroo a little more often? Yay for organizing!

For the original REAL SIMPLE idea click HERE

1 comment:

  1. My plan is really complex...are you ready for this.....seriously, you should brace yourself....I only have one purse, and I keep it on top of the fridge next to the door. It's super ugly. I found out that it's okay if I don't match, nobody has EVER publicly ridiculed me so I guess I'm okay. :)


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