Monday, July 11, 2011


4th of July bbq. Everything was perfect. Until, that is, I decided to eat that last bite of brownie.

You know the bite I'm talking about. You've already eaten all you can handle...but the siren call of the dessert table beckons you. You attempt to resist, but that little voice in your head keeps calling "just one more bite - no big deal." Thus you decide to opt for that one final bite.

And that's just what I did at the abovementioned bbq. I cropped the perfect tiny bite of frosting covered brownie from the pan and placed it on my palate. But after my first chomp I knew (as that nun from Madeliene somehow always used to)


"Hmmm," I thought to myself, "I don't recall anything hard being atop my brownie." And with that I realized - I'd tried to have my crown and eat it too. NOT a good idea by the way. How does one actually lose a crown in brownie? A BROWNIE?!

Luckily that had just been the temporary crown. I went in and got the permanent one last week (so yes - I'm officially PERMANANET royaly now)

And I'm DETERMINED to keep any more tooth issues from ruining my brownie eating. So I went out and bought myself this little number

So far, I'm in love! These can be pretty pricey unless you shop around. This is the most basic model. But basic is alright with me, cause I don't think I want to meet the person who needs 5 different settings that massage their gums and clean with UV rays and such. That seems a little obsessive, no? But even the basic model can run you a pretty penny. Luckily I got a $10 coupon from my dentist and found the basic model at Target for $39.99. Total cost to me? $29.99. And for healthier teeth and no more crowns, I think my bank account can hack that.

To anyone looking for a cleaner/healthier smile - or just the peace of mind to eat your brownies without losing a crown...get yourself a SONICARE!

For the one I bought at Target you can check out the link HERE

1 comment:

  1. Luckily, I never lost a temporary crown. I was totally freaked out about swallowing it my sleep, though!

    Dill's siblings all pitched in and got him that toothbrush for Christmas. Could be one of those "You know you're getting old when ..." scenarios.


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