Tuesday, July 26, 2011


No, I haven't forgotten about you, my dear readers. And no, I haven't given up on decorating and documenting the transformation of my new apartment. And I definitely haven't eaten myself into a donut coma the likes of which would leave me in a sugar sleep for weeks.

You see, John and I ventured to Bear Lake for a family reunion last week. So fun! And this was officially my last chance to travel before baby comes. Doc was even a little leary of letting me go since I came back on my 32 week mark. So 10 points to my baby for not deciding that a vacation halfway accross the country would be the best time to enter the world. So cooperative already...I love this baby! And then upon our arrival back to New Orleans, my parents made a pit stop on their RV tour from coast to coast. What a great weekend! But man am I tired...who knew that growing a human could take so much out of you. Literally!

So that's why I've been MIA these past few weeks. And just so you're not disappointed, I better tell you not to expect amazing things out of Present Bliss for the next little while. Unless, that is, one of two possible scenarios occurs.

1. I get some unforseen burst of energy that surpasses my desire for sleep, bouncing on my exercise ball, and more sleep.

2. I have this baby before my due date and post more pictures here than you thought humanly possible ;)

So...while my posts here might be few and far between, know that we're alive and kickin (especially Scooter) over here in Louisiana...and that in just a few weeks WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!

(And when I say a few weeks, I mean 7...but who in their right mind is really gonna argue with a pregnant lady? Am I right, or am I right?)

I am hormonal - hear me roar! Well...actually more like snore.



  1. Seven weeks is a LOOOOOONNNNG time, Kim.

    ;) I'm just teasing you. Your baby will be making his debut before you know it!

  2. I really thought our Zumba class with Marlina at Bear Lake would have caused a stir with "Scooter"! Thankfully it didn't!


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