Friday, June 24, 2011


I'm gonna go ahead and let you in on a little secret:

I, Kim Sigety, have reached royal status!

Yup - I got a root canal a week ago and now they're giving me a crown!

(insert applause)

Sure I'd have loved a more regal entrance into royaly, but we can't all be Kates I suppose...

So before my very own TLC special comes out on my climb to the top, allow me to give you a sneak peak of my path to princess-hood...

Like any girl aspiring for royal rank - I found myself flat on my back.

Whoa - get your mind out of the gutter - I was flat on my back in a dental chair people! Sheesh ;) (Not a comfortable position for those of us 6 1/2 months pregnant I might add...)

Yet, betwixt drilling and filling I found what every girl hopes to at the dentist's office - something other than a Sports Illustrated or Newsweek. There, in all its glory was a REAL SIMPLE magazine. So while I waited for things to set and harden and such...I fell in love. There in the dental chair, I fell in love. Not with my dentist - but with REAL SIMPLE Magazine.

(See - and you thought my royal story wouldn't involve the L-word didn't you?)

Now, of course I'm too cheap to actually buy my own copies of said magazine. And after cashing in my Delta skymiles points for more reject magazines than a girl could ever read last year...(behold the perks of not having enough miles for an acutal flight)...I'm done with paper magazines for a while. You're welcome environment. You're welcome green husband.

So after my crowing ceremony was over, I went home and hopped on the REAL SIMPLE website. Welcome to my present bliss! I love all their tips and tricks and little tid bits tailored for those of us OCD-laden ladies.

And lucky for you, as the generous and selfless princess I NOW first order of business will be to share a few of my organization finds with all of you, my dear subjects. Errr, I mean readers. How silly of me. Some will be from REAL SIMPLE directly, and others will be from other google sessions along the way. But I hope you'll enjoy!

After our last move (from Utah to New Orleans) I attemped to document the decorating of our last apartment...but I dropped the ball big time. So here's hoping I keep my word - and if I do, you can expect posts of before and organizational tips and tricks that feed my OCD and ignite that deep down clean person that wants to emerge from her current cluttered chains.

So its time for me to polish my crown and get to work. It's not easy being a princess - but someone (with weak teeth) has to do it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, my life ENDED when I had to get my first root canal and crown. Here I was, perfectly white teeth and never had to have braces, and now I have not one but THREE fake teeth. I had the worst dentist EVER in Provo -- he caused all the mayhem!

    But, at least I can say I'm a princess three times over.


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