Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Isn't that shirt just too funny?! I found it via google and LOVE it. Probably because I'm addicted to lists...but still :)

Now on with the post:

John aggreed to go with me to Babies-R-Us last weekend. I know, who would I be to pass up such an offer? I didn't have to beg or drag or whine - he offered! So off we went and out we came...empty handed. Wait, what? Are you as shocked as I was? We didn't even buy one little bootie or passie or blankie (or any other "ie" for that matter).

In general, I thought the store was overpriced...especially the clothes! Am I really supposed to spend MORE on baby clothes than I do on my own wardrobe? For heavens sake people - I'm the one that's done growing into my body (well...for the most part) and ask anyone...I spit up FAR LESS than babies. MY clothes should cost more than those teenie tiny outfits. A mystery. A very cute mystery...but a mystery all the same.

Anyway, I'll get off my Babies-R-Us soap box and get on to the the main point of this post. I've been trying to put together a list of the essentials I'll need for Scooter's arrival. Why? Well, because I'm addicted to lists, my jobs allows me ample time to ponder life, and we're trying to save money where we can.

Thus, below you will find my draft of what this first time mom thinks she'll need and the estimated costs. I got the prices from Walmart, Amazon, Target, and a few other places. If there is a "...$0" listed for the cost of an item, it means I already have it or have already received it as a gift. Or I found it on the side of the road, as in the case of the rocker. lol

So if you happen to have a minute to offer your motherly advice - that would be AMAZING! Questions you might ponder while reading include...

- What did I buy for my baby that turned out to be a total waste of money?
- What did I buy for my baby that I loved and couldn't live without?
- What advice can I offer on how to save a few bucks on quality baby gear?


GRACO STROLLER & CARSEAT COMBO...$175 on Amazon or at Target
BOUNCER...$0 (gift)
ROCKER AND OTTOMAN...$0 (found on the side of the road)
BATHTUB...$0 (gift)

Dream On Me - 2-in-1 Portable Folding Crib, White...$100
FIRM MATRESS (24" x 38" x 3")...$32
CRIB BEDDING - 2-3 fitted sheets (24" x 38")...$15
WATER PROOF CRIB PADS (2 pack)...$15
MOBILE (either bought or home-made)...$15

EXTRA WATER PROOF PADS (smaller) 4 pack...$12
DISPOSABLE DIAPERS (first round : size newborn & 1's)...$40
WIPES (first round : unscented)...$10

CLOTHES...$30 plus hand-me-downs & gifts

BURP CLOTHS (cloth diapers or other)...$8


BABY BLANKETS (special blankies)...$0 (gift)


NURSING SUPPLIES (pads, cream, etc...what do I really need?)...$30
UDDER COVER...$0 (gift)
POST BABY BOOB JOB...$priceless! haha




Now, if I total all that - it comes to somewhere close to $700! Seems crazy how fast that adds up, doesn't it? And honestly - I really felt like I made this a pretty 'bare bones' baby list. I can't imagine how much the rich and famous spend when they find out they're expecting. Cha Ching!

Bring on the advice! Is there anything I should add, change or delete? Do you see prices that look totally off? What am I forgetting?

Your efforts will be handsomely rewarded by picture after picture of my child once he arrives. lol Oh yes - and my continued admiration at the fact that you are surviving motherhood in all its glory. Go you! :) And if that's not enough, then how about chocolate...I'll figure out some way to send you chocolate!!!

Thanks everyone!


  1. It's not fair, I wrote a huge comment and it got deleted. BLAH! Anywho, I'll retype it only because you are my best friend and I love talking baby. :)

    -don't worry about getting a portable crib, everyone else in the world has one so anytime you go stay somewhere they have one you can use, even hotels!

    - Get an ear thermometer, it's worth the extra 10-15 and I feel like its WAY more accurate and convenient than underarm or bumhole ones. (I think we got a thermometer at the hospital actually).

    -Don't buy anything until after your baby shower, I'd even venture to say wait until after the baby is born and you know what you really need.

    -If you make friends with the nurse at the hospital beautiful things can happen. Mine sent me home with probably 20-30 newborn diapers, wipes, a blanket, tons of binkies, a diaper bag, and a beanie. She didn't actually give us the binkies, we just would always take them out of teagan's bed and put them in our suitcase. Some may call it stealing, but when I'm getting charged $600 a night I'm taking as much complimentary stuff as possible. The idea is that you can get everything you need for the first few days or even a week from the hospital, so wait it out a little, otherwise you'll end up buying things you don't need.

    -wait on nursing supplies, you'll have no idea what you need until you're nursing and realize that your boob leaks everywhere. Mine did, but Julie never leaked once. Nursing pads are expensive so I'd wait and see.

    -I hardly used my boppy for nursing because I always nursed in my gliding rocker and it didn't fit right, it was easier to use a pillow from my bed and it was one less baby thing to pack around.

    -Babies don't play with or care about toys for a long time at least a few months. I wouldn't buy a single toy. Christmas will be right around the corner from when baby comes and he'll be the FIRST grand baby on John's side (right???). I'm sure he'll be spoiled with plenty of toys...don't stress about the toys. :) plus, tupperware can fill the void if need be.

    I'm sure everyone in the world doesn't agree with my cheapo attitude, but those are the things I think you could live without....The end. :) Good luck, you'll be great!

  2. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love Melissa Daniels! haha Love the comment my dear. And thanks for re-typing after the really helped a lot!
    I aggree with every little darn thing you said. I've taken the boppy off my list and I'm waiting to see what nursing supplies I'll need until after baby is born. I'll bring the boobs, hopefully mother nature brings the milk, and we'll just see what else I need after that.
    And you better believe that I'll be SUPER friendly to my nurses! Maybe I should bake them cookies...or not. Mostly because I'd end up eating most of the batch myself - but anyway...haha
    I've changed the thermometer on my registry to an ear one. I don't know what I was thinking with the underarm one. Since when did I ever know a baby to sit still when someone tickles their arm pit - let alone when someone places a cold foreign object there. Smart suggestion - dually noted.
    Oh yes, and as for the crib - we were thinking of just getting that mini one to use as our main crib for Scooter. Our apartment doesn't really have a ton of room for lots of furniture so we thought that might conserve space. What did you do for Teagan's first crib? Do you remember how much you spent? Along with the stroller/carseat...the crib will be our other largest expense.
    Thanks again Melis - you little money savvy mom you. Great advice!

  3. Hey Kim,

    I never used the bathtub I got from my baby shower. Just had my hubby take him into the shower with him or washed him in the sink. The bath to me was a waste... but I now see you already have one and it was a gift. You could always keep it to give to someone else for a gift (heaven knows we need to find ways to not spend money for gifts) or sell it off Craigslist. haha

    I agree with Melissa about no toys. When they turn about 3 months old, I've learned they like to have those little noise things that attach to the carseat because they are starting to focus and sometimes try to grab so it keeps them occupied. Other than that, you don't need to toys for a while. And besides, grandparents will give you plenty when the time comes, I'm sure.

    I don't know what the waterproof crib pads are... my crib mattress is waterproof and yours should be too so I assume pads aren't needed. I never used any.

    Never used a mobile. I've found that by keeping the room dark right off the bat, the kids don't need a little light later on. They were used to the dark and quiet and with all 3 boys, I've never had problems with them going to bed or needing a light on. So, if you're really trying to save, I'd omit the mobile.

    The hospital will give you lots of things and I did what Melissa did. Stored it in my bag. Also, they will send you home with things. Binkies for sure, blankets, and diapers. They also gave me a nipple cover and cream since I had sore nipples. Just make sure you keep asking for things like, "Do you have something I could use for sore nipples?" etc. Just keep asking for things and they will give it to you!

    For clothing, I got all mine from my sister in law who had boys right before me. But for when I've needed to get something for my oldest, I would just go to Walmart. Never go to Toys R Us or Babies R Us... they are way overpriced. Amazon, Walmart or Target are your best options.

    Oh, one thing you forgot is a binkie clip. And that's if your baby will take a binkie. My 1st and 2nd did but my 3rd little guy didn't want anything to do with it, so I'd wait and see if he even likes the binkie before buying it but if he does, then get one. You lose those things quickly and it's such a hassle trying to remember where one is so invest in a clip. But not the kind with the plastic clamp. They break, don't stay one and get spit up stuck in them. They have ones with a metal clip- get that one. And you only need one.

    With my first, we had little space in our apartment so my parents bought us a portable crib that can be raised and lowered. It was great and was small and perfect for our space. If you can't afford or don't have room for an actual crib, then go that route. Whenever or if you get a actual crib, get one that changes into a toddler bed. It's great for transition time and will keep money in your wallet later on. I like our portable crib especially for when we go places like the beach or lake or visit family but other than that, we don't use it much. So, depending on how much travel you do or where you go you may or may not need one but wait to buy it either way until you 'need' one and even then, there are ways to get around having one if your budget doesn't permit.

    Whew! Good luck. Can't wait to see pictures and get my chocolate. ;)

  4. DEFINITE CHOCOLATE IS NEEDED FOR YOU KIRSTEN! hehe Thank you so much for all your advice - I not only took mental notes from what you wrote, but ACTUAL notes too. lol You budget savvy moms make all this seem so much more manageable. Thanks for all the support - you're wonderful :)

  5. I forgot something, OLD NAVY!!!! Me and Julie work the Old Navy system. Twice a year they do a "take an extra 50% off of clearance" week. Once right before summer and once before winter. We buy all the clothes off season and stock up. Here's the beautiful part...Julie knows when the sale is going to be so about a week earlier we go and scavenge the clearance section and get all the good stuff in the right size. Then we take our receipts back in the week of the sale and they price adjust everything so it cuts your bill in half! Whoo. I usually spend between $1 and $5 depending on the items. We get winter coats for $5 every year, it's amazing. I'll let you know when it is.

    Also, make sure in the hospital that you make sure they're giving you free stuff. I asked for a pump and they charged my room $40 (for a crappy pump). My insurance wouldn't cover it at all since it was an elective item. You may want to rewatch a certain friends episode and learn from our friend Ross about taking from hotels. :)

  6. Couple more things... When you go to buy nursing bra's here's what I've learned after having 3 and being comfortable while nursing.

    1. Buy 1 nursing bra in the size you normally, before you were pregnant. Once you start nursing for a while your boobs will go back down to normal size and not swell up during or right before letdown.

    2. However... you do need to buy 1 nursing bra in the size you are now (which I'm assuming you're much bigger than what you are normally right now) or buy it within the first few weeks to help you buy the right 'bigger' size for you. For a while you will be huge, (probably) leaking, and tender. Even when your not tender anymore, you'll still be big. So, buy one that will fit you during those months when you're big. Even now, my son is starting to sleep through the night or go longer throughout the day without nursing and I'm swelling a little so that's when you turn to your 'bigger' bra for comfort while your boobs are working around your babies 'new' schedule of eating. (Also, when you get pregnant again and getting bigger boobs again, instead of buying more bigger bras, just wear your bigger nursing bra to save money)

    3. Get a nighttime nursing bra. I don't know if they are technically called that but they look like a sports bra but WAY more comfy. They sell them at Motherhood. They keep your breast pads in place and are so comfy for nighttime. You don't have the clips and wires digging into you while sleeping.

    As far as nursing garments go... I hated them. They are so uncomfortable and annoying because they have this little flap of fabric that never stays in place and shows wrinkles through your shirts and this little plastic lining to help them stay in place that's so annoying. No offense to H.F. though. So what I've done is just worn my normal garments and just pull them down from the top and tuck it under my boob. It may stretch them out a little but not too much and it's way better than wearing the nursing garments plus saves you money on buying all these garments you're only going to use for so long. Some people don't mind the nursing garments but I hated them and a lot of ladies I know did/do too. You may want to just buy 1 or 2 pairs to try them out just to see but if you don't end up liking them, you can just do what I did/do.

    Sorry if I'm bombarding you with all this info. Just letting you know what worked best for me and helped during it all. :) But no matter what, you'll figure out what works best for you and get better with it all with each baby that comes.

  7. I agree about baby clothes at Babies R Us. What the HECK? Even their clearance stuff is overpriced. I go to Kohl's and Target for all my baby clothes needs.

    As for baby stuff, what to get and what not to get? It's been different for both of my kids! With Audrey, I couldn't live without the sling and the Boppy. Didn't need them with Carson -- he hated the sling.

    One thing both kids DID love was to be swaddled. I highly recommend the eden + anais swaddling blanket. It's expensive but worth it. Normal baby items manufacturers do not make their swaddling blankets big enough or thin enough. Those ones are perfect. You can get a 3-pk for like $20 on Amazon, if that helps.

    The only thing I really couldn't live without both times was a baby monitor. My kids sleep in their own beds and rooms from Day 1, so it was a must for me.

    Also, I never used nursing garments. Just pulled everything down and popped the food source out. I can e-mail you about this process in greater detail if you want. LOL.

  8. Hi Kim, I'm not a mom but I used to work at baby gap and we ALWAYS had clearance stuff (as cheap as .47 cents!). Mom's used to come in like once a week and especially when were having a sale or bringing out new stuff and get great deals on good quality baby clothes.

  9. Hi Kim,
    I'm from your Santa Barbara ward and was also in John's freshman ward, we're friends on FB and saw your blog from there. Anyway, congratulations to you and John (it's weird calling him John, we just called him Sig) guys will be great parents. I saw this post and thought I'd give my advice as well. I feel like I wasn't given much advice when I had my daughter so I'll share what's been helpful to me:
    -if you can, invest in a baby swing, SAVED OUR LIFE! We got one off craigslist and it saved our sanity. We got one that is the papasan style (the seat is like a little dish). Up until we got it at a month old, Brooke would not fall asleep until midnight, but once we got the swing, it was bliss.

    -I concur with the garment comments, no need for the nursing ones.
    -Brooke is almost a year and we've never used a baby monitor. She's in the next room and we can hear her pretty easily, plus the monitor would just keep me awake if I was able to hear her all the time.
    -For the first 3 months, we lived in a one bedroom apt, and Brooke had to sleep in our room and we didn't have much room for furniture either. We got a pack n' play that had a bassinet and changing platform (the Graco Newborn Napper). When we moved to our house we then got a crib, I think she was about 5 months. So if you're limited on space for everything, the pack n' play was nice, and it's just nice to have to go places.

    -mobiles are unnecessary, we have lived without one.

    -a good breast pump is a great investment.

    -don't use Johnson's baby lotion, it's junk. Get Aveeno.

    -further down the road, a bumbo is a nice investment, and then when your baby is ready to start eating solids, buy the tray attachment and use it in place of a high chair.

    -swaddling is great advice as well. I worked in the NICU and that's what we did with all of the babies and they all loved it. Those swaddling blankets are great.

    I hope this helps.Good luck with everything!

  10. You've already gotten a lot of great advice, but I thought I'd offer another perspective, especially when it comes to boobs! Despite how annoying they are, nursing garments are a must for me--my boobs don't fit in my regular garments and it is a serious struggle to pull them down from the top. So maybe that will be one of your wait and see items. I don't even start wearing garments again until a few weeks after I give birth. Also my boobs never go back down to their regular size while I'm nursing. I would definitely spend money on a good electric breastpump.

    I too love Aden & Anais swaddling blankets--they're so useful for more than swaddling too!

    Definitely get a baby swing from craigslist--you need somewhere safe to put the baby while you shower for a couple minutes and baby is more likely to be happy in a swing than the crib.

    I buy all of my kids' clothes from "mom to mom sales." If you can find any in your area, they are fabulous for getting barely used clothing for super cheap, and you get a huge selection.

    The best diaper rash cream for disposable diapers is Balmex. You might want to consider cloth diapering if money is really tight. Even if it isn't, I just like cloth diapering. Also breastfed poo is completely washable, so it's easiest to use cloth diapers with newborns.

    I know I've said this before but I'll say it again: a good carrier can make a world of a difference for moms. Check out for advise on choosing and using different baby carriers.

    Good luck!

  11. Haha, just had to laugh because Aveeno IS made by Johnson & Johnson. But I agree it's better than their J&J brand lotions.

  12. Hey Kim! Way to go on getting organized for baby! I know you've already gotten a lot of advice, but I'll throw in my 2 cents for you too!

    As for a bed, I say buy this:
    This is a great pack-n-play that we bought. And the great thing is, it keeps getting cheaper on Amazon! It's lovely for traveling, it can be high or low so it works well for either kid (3 months and 2). It's smaller than a crib but it it lasts just as long, as in they won't grow out of it before they are ready for a big bed. Also, if you just buy this then it comes with the mattress and mobile so you can cross those off the list. You might find down the road that you want to move the baby into a crib just for a more supportive mattress, in which case I recommend this:
    Cheap and wonderful. :)

    I've never liked the Boppy, so I wouldn't buy one if I were you. If you get one as a gift than great, but don't buy one. If you find you need props during nursing, regular pillows work just fine.

    I love and can't live without my Moby wrap. It's $40 but very worth it. MUCH better than any other baby carrier out there. It worked for both babies: If they are fussy, stick em in the Moby and go for a brisk walk-- they are out like a light! They love it!

    As for toys, I agree with previous commenters. I didn't buy any toys for Wesley until he was 1 I think. We filled empty bottles with rice, rolled tennis balls, and BORROWED toys! Ask around your ward to see if anyone has toys in the attic that you can borrow. A lot of the toys have such a small developmental window its not worth buying and storing them. Same goes for clothes actually, I borrowed a bunch of clothes when Wesley was little. I just marked the tags with my friend's initial and gave them back to her when he grew out of them.

    If you are serious about saving money with baby, talk to me about cloth diapering. I know it sounds crazy, but yes, lots of people still cloth diaper and it's not as bad as it sounds. Quite do-able actually! Here's the ones I love.
    That's my #1 money saving baby tip. :)

    I'm sure I'm forgetting things but I'm also sure that you are probably getting more advice than you know what to do with! Good luck and congrats!!

  13. Oh yeah! I remembered: I wouldn't spend money on a "diaper bag." I've always just used an oversized purse. They work just as well and you probably already have a cute bag that will work. Really, all you need to take when you go out with baby is a couple diapers/wipes, burp cloth, blanket/nursing cover/changing pad (I use one blanket to serve all 3 purposes) and a spare onesie. That basically takes up just a small amount of space in your bag so you can make nearly anything work.

  14. Conclusion: I am SO BLESSED to know so many wonderful mamas!! Thank you everyone for all your advice :) It's definitely helped clarify a few things for me. And it sounds like my boobs are in for one crazy adventure. haha Thanks for all the nursing tips and tricks...can't wait to see what happens.

    But seriously...thank you for taking the time to help me out as I start this new phase of life. I'm sure I'll be posting my pleas for more advice in the coming months/years. Glad to know I have myself one awesome support group.

    You all deserve oodles of chocolate. I'll have to work on how exactly to deliver that via blog ;)

    Thanks all!


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