Tuesday, May 17, 2011


It's time for us women of the world to face the facts. We rub some pretty weird stuff on our faces! Washes, toners, wrinkle creams, serums, and make-up of every different color - all for the beauty, health and longevity of our skin, right? So why do so many of us still have skin problems? Let's discuss.

The face is the Palestine of epidermal war zones. Attacks from zits, dryness, hormones, a few too many brownies, bad genes, lack of sleep, puffiness, bags under our eyes, redness, oil, bad luck, and any number of threats under (and including) the sun leave our poor pores under constant attack from all sides.

So its no surprise that we go to great lengths to protect, repair and care for our faces. And that's also why we can be so skeptical of ads and promotions promising glowingly healthy skin. We're usually left cynically telling the tv infomercials, "Oh yeah? You think you can give me glowing skin? You and what army??!" And in most cases - that army includes at least six of the following: benzoyl peroxide, gelatin, salicylic acid, alcohol, stearyl ether, fragrance, sulfates, sodium, and a whole mess of other ites, uloses, and ates.

Hence my surprise when I happened upon a friends blog (the glorious likes of which you can view HERE) where her army of facial cleaners and protectors consists of only TWO players! Pahleeeese. Better still - both ingredients are OILS! Eh hem....excuse me...that's what I've been trying to get rid of isn't it? Wrong. What???

The Key Ingredients : Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Castor Oil

Now I like to think of myself as a pretty natural gal. Especially in recent years as I've learned more about nutrition while trying to live a more simplified and organic life. But this was a stretch. Get rid of my Neutrogena and replace it with cooking oil and something that sounds like some Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman cold remedy? Yeah...not so sure I'm ready for that one.

But because I was just so darn curious - I couldn't help but try it. So there I was at WalMart a couple nights ago crouched down on the laxative isle (wait...that sounds bad) Let me explain...I was crouched down looking for the itty bitty bottle of castor oil on the bottom shelf. (doesn't sound much better) Oh well, YOU know why I was there. haha The bottle was only a couple bucks, and I already had EVOO at home. So I figured I'd give this method a whirl.

Before bed, I opened the site my friend had referenced:


I concocted the perfect combination of the two oils. (Option 2 of the recipes listed below and taken from the above site)

Oily Skin: Try a blend of 30% Castor Oil to 70% Sunflower Seed Oil.
Balanced Skin: Try a blend of 20% Castor Oil to 80% Sunflower Seed Oil.
Dry Skin: Try a blend of 10% Castor Oil to 90% Sunflower Seed Oil.
(Only I substitute EVOO for the Sunflower Seed Oil)

Then I rubbed the oil into my skin for a good minute or two and placed a hot washcloth over my face while I basted...I mean waited. I then gently wiped and wet the rag again with hot water. I placed the rag over my face for a second time and sat back and relaxed until the rag cooled. Finally I gently wiped once again to remove any makeup or dirt that could have been left on my skin. A quick splash of cool water and another pat dry and I was good to go.

Then I waited to see how my skin would react. After all, I had just rubbed OIL into my skin. OIL, people! But to my surprise - my skin felt GREAT. Soft, surprisingly clean, and not all dried out like it usually gets after washing my face.

With this method you don't do anything after the oil treatment. No lotions, no serums, no nothing. You're done! This was surprising to me, because my night-time washing routine usually consists of cleanser, toner or serum, and lotion. Talk about a money saver for my money maker!

So if the pimple gods find pleasure in dotting your face like a human light bright. OUCH! Or even if pimples aren't the problem and you just have flaws that could use a little TLC. I dare you try the oil cleansing method. I am. And so far so good! If I break out here in a few days or get some weird result...I'll let you know. But until then - I'm one happy lab rat.

Let me know if you try this (or have tried this) and keep me posted on your oil adventures of the facial kind.

Oh yes, and please don't be alarmed if you see me walking around at night covered in olive oil and castor oil - its all in the name of beauty. Well, beauty AND saving a few bucks. Someone should warn John about the grease ball coming to bed tonight! ;)


picture courtesy of theoilcleansingmethod.com


  1. Ever since I can remember, my mother applied baby oil to her face at night. In my twenties, I began the same ritual. Billye has gorgeous skin for an octogenrian so I will continue the application, no matter what my husband says. Better to look good during the day and please all!

  2. whitney uses baby oil as her sole lotion...her skin is very soft. Maybe I will try this. I thought caster oil put people into early labor, that might be an old wives tale though. I might have to try this one!

  3. Do keep us updated, please! I'm pretty sure my skin is dry, but it can be very temperamental, so I never know. Plus, anytime I find a product that my skin likes, it gets discontinued! So if this works, I might try it out.

  4. Okay, if you AND Jenna say it works...I think I'll have to try it!
    (P.S. I've been doing the no-poo method for months...and it's AWESOME. I'll be one of your testimonials if you end up writing a post on that!)


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