Monday, April 18, 2011


Sometimes I think I should follow John around with a tape recorder. Here's one of my favorite quotes from a week or so ago.

We were standing in the kitchen. I probably (ok - I did) voiced some observation about the oddities of pregnant life to which he responded...

"You know, your pregnancy hasn't been anything like what TV told me it would be like."

And as I laughed histerically - John went on to explain his reasoning. (Most of which I'm sure is taken from years of faithfully watching 'Scrubs')

1. I feel my best in the morning!
2. I get hungry but can't figure out what to eat and nothing really sounds good
3. I don't want to buy a bunch of baby things I don't really need
4. I don't have horrible mood swings...(I added that one, but I think its true. haha)
5. And unfortunately for him - my libido isn't in hyperdrive. haha

I can't wait to see the TV show he decides to pattern his expectations for our baby after!

Too funny.

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