Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We all get passionate about something. And if you don't? Boring. Think about it - there must be something that just gets your undies in a bunch cause you're so darn thrilled about it. That something for me is John. I still get excited when I see his name pop up on my caller ID. I take that as a good sign that I chose the right man. But aside from the man I married - I'm talking today about dreams and endeavors and adventures. Those somethings that ignite a look in your eye which only comes when you really care about or want something deeply.

Now, if I were to be honest with you, I'd have to say that there are entirely too many things that get me super passionate and excited. Sue me - I like getting excited. Like when John and I played co-ed ultimate frisbee with a bunch of our friends... My girlfried made a goal and we all but tackled eachother in celebration while screaming as only we women can. SO FUN!

Excitement - I love it. It's contagious. When you see someone else genuinely excited about something, they may as well put out the welcome mat and invite you to join the party. Excitement encourages companionship. I love getting excited for other people and I love when they get excited for me. My mom can tell you of many a reaction she's heavily doctored to sound more enthusiastic cause I just love it so much. That's a good mom right there.

To clarify: I find that there are three forms of excitement. Excitement at happiness that's already happened, excitement for happiness yet to happen, and excitement for the people around us. The excitement that is hardest for me to sustain though, is the happiness for things yet to happen.

Sustained excitement for the future is what separates the true dreamer from the mere wisher. The true dreamer maintains enthusiasm and excitement amidst adversity, difficulty, and yes - even failure. The wisher is wishy-washy at best. The wisher might get SUPER excited when she first throws the penny in the well - but after she sees it fall...that's about the extent of her effort. As for the dreamer, she'll all but jump in the well to make sure that coin makes it to its watery destination where fate can cash the idea in for reality. The dreamer may look crazy jumping in that well - but her actions are most usually marked by the seal of accomplishment. And reaching your goals and your dreams always looks good in my book. It's something I get excited about...go figure.

I wish I could sit before you (well, before this computer I suppose...) and say that I'm a full time dreamer. I can't. Yes, there have been times in my life where I've played the dreamer...and AMAZING things have happened. But alas, even though my resume has DREAMER written accross certain accomplishments - I feel like I've somehow slipped into the shoes of the wisher these days. I still get excited and enthusiastic about things...but those feelings are fleeting and easily chased away by fear and doubt and heaven forbid - difficulty.

How did this happen??

Doubt and fear are the nemesis of the dreamer, and little by little I think I've let them creep into my mind. And beyond doubt and fear - the realities of life and responsibilty have seemed to build a wall in the way of my yellow brick road.

Now here comes opportunity knocking. If I choose to be the wisher, I'll sit at the foot of my yellow brick road and merely wish I could get beyond the wall and on my way to Oz. If I opt to be the dreamer, I'll pick myself up by my bootstraps and find a way over that wall! Period. It might not be pretty, I might get a few scratches and I might even fall down...over and over and over...but the truth is simple, the dreamer will make it over that wall or die trying. The wisher will wallow in self pitty and never progress. Or even worse, the wisher will become neutral and face what is as all that can be. The wisher looks at the wall and says to herself, "Meh - that's good enough." The dreamer, even if never able to conquer the wall and never able to reach her dream, is infinitely stronger for having made her attempts. In her climb she's discovered new talents, new perspectives, and ever increasing strength from pushing herself over her difficulties and closer to her dreams.

When I was younger, I was blessed to have a parental safety net that helped me branch out and succeed while remaining protected from any fall too major. But now I'm on my own...well...married and on my own is more accurate. I'm the bread winner right now, and I have responsibilies and jobs to do. This means, while I still can dream - life is in my lap. And sometimes that reality can get kinda heavy!

Conditions will never be ideal for one to dream though. Life doesn't stop flying just so you can dream and then jump back into the moment when you're good and ready. You can't just dream and then get back to your day job. On the flip side...wishing is always convenient because it requires little effort. But dreaming is more than even a full time job - it's an outlook, a perspective, a way of life. It goes without saying that dreaming will never be convenient, but is it needed?

You better believe it!

Dreaming is what gets you beyond what you think is possible. That is the premise of a dream. It is the imagined reality you work to bring about. Walt Disney knew it, and most all of his characters dream for that very reason. They know that when you wish upon a star (and work and overcome and believe) - your dreams really do come true. So take it from a former Disney character - dreams really do come true! But you might have to work your butt (or tail or fins in my case) off to get there sometimes ;) And for the sake of this post, instead of starting with a wish upon a star - why not first look inside yourself to find a way to dream yourself into the reality you desire.

If what you want is in line with what God would have for you, your faith will make it happen. Because at the heart of any true dream is faith. Faith that life can be more than what it is at the moment. Faith that you can change for the better. Faith that you have what it takes. And faith that dreams really do come true.

So no matter what you've got on your plate at the moment - don't be afraid to dream. Throw that penny in the well and see the wealth that flows from following your dreams. The riches of your imagination are there for the taking - but YOU have to be the one to chase after them. What have you got to lose?

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true


  1. Your Inspiring! So glad I found your blog! Love you Kim So glad to see you so happy with John!! :)

  2. Wow...this post so accurately describes how I feel right now--lots of things I want to do and learn but don't know how to do them so they turn from dreams to mere wishes... So I read over Elder Oaks talk today from conference and paired with this blog entry...I think I have some reevaluating to do. Great post! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Excellent, Kim.

    I have seen that in myself at various times in life. It's amazing how much I am able to accomplish when I really put my mind to it, and conversely, how little I accomplish when I don't.

  4. What an inspiring post; I'm so glad that I found your blog!

    I didn't know that you were friends with Ariel! Did you do the College Program?

  5. MrsJThornton (love that) - I did do the college program. I was there for Fall of 2005. Can't believe its been that long ago. I think I saw on your FB profile that you worked there too...? Were we there at the same time?! So glad you found me on facebook and are sweet enough to read my blog. Hope all is well :)


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