Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Man likes to throws things.

Man throws things in house.

Man accidentally throws football at Woman's necklace.

Man breaks Woman's necklace.

Woman gets upset.

Man apologizes.


Man continues to throw things in house.

Woman continues to get upset.

Woman finally yells in frustration...

"I don't like when you chuck our things at other things!"

Man doubles over in laughter.

Woman repeats complaint.

Man repeats complaint while laughing.

It's a good thing Woman thinks Man is cute.

Pretty sure Man will continue throwing things...

...including our child into the air when the time comes.


I can usually tolerate footballs and such being tossed around...but babies??

Your thoughts on why husbands throw babies/children into the air? And are you in favor of said practice? 'Cause these baby-balancing-acts and kiddie-catapults make me SOOOO nervous! Should I just get over it?


  1. As harsh as it sounds, Yes! :) I likewise get nervous about it, but the husbands are going to do it regardless so you can either, pick a fight you'll never win OR save the fight for something else that you might win... Like the baby's name or something. :)

  2. Men do it because the babies love it! They laugh and giggle and have a great time. And who doesn't love a good baby guffaw? :)

  3. But tossing things at other things is my life honey!

    Note: in the case of our child, my goal will not be to toss the thing at another thing, but rather to just toss the thing and catch the thing while making sure to protect the thing's fragile head.

  4. I don't let Chase do it. Why? Because some babies do fall. And die. Or get brain damage. Also, there are cases every year where babies necks get broken while being tossed in the air, even if they aren't dropped. Maybe I'm a little paranoid, but I would just about die if something like that happened to my kid! So my rule is that the baby can't quite leave Chase's hands. He can toss her, just very low, and gently. Livia still loved it as a baby, and had no idea what kind of air she was missing! They wrestle and rough house in lots of other ways, though.
    My infant development professor was strongly opposed to it, which is probably why I am too!

  5. Kim, just found your b-log. And here's the deal about how dads play with babies. DONT LET YOUR HUSBAND READ THIS. Because in my child development class the teacher (who was also a male, for the record, albeit a rather effeminate one)said that the way dads play with kids helps the child learn to deal with stress in small increments. And I made the mistake of telling my husband this (before we had kids) and now he rings it out from the mountaintops as he throws our daughter until she actually hits the ceiling. Sometimes the stress is in big increments. And ALWAYS it's mom dealing with the stress, too.

  6. I agree with the last person, I've learned the exact same thing! I've also learned that dad's way of playing with kids helps them learn to go from being wild to calm, which is a skill MANY kids don't have these days. BUTTTTTT always continue to gasp and shake your head when he does it to discourage him from being too brave. If he's under the impression that you don't like it he'll be extra careful to avoid an "I told you so" moment. :) Why can't marriage just be straight forward I wonder, why all the tricks? But seriously don't tell him you're okay or not okay with it, just shake your head and gasp. :)

  7. Thanks everyone for your comments! Sounds like there are definite pros and cons...and some inevitables at play here.

    And Melis - HAHA! You hit the nail on the head my dear. I always tell John that I won't talk to him for a month if he were to ever drop our baby. The fear of an "I told you so" moment is definitely a driving force in both he and I's actions. Ah, the marital tricks that keep the love alive. haha And yes - I definitely intend to shake my head and gasp. And I've already got one stern "watch yourself" stare that I plan on using. You make me laugh.


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