Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Socks are used for many things. They keep our tootsies toasty. They salvage our shoes from stank. They make a fashion statement (or faux pas). They keep old ladies busy with plenty of knitting projects. They moonlight as sock-puppets in homes all across America. They do us all a favor and hide ugly feet. They give us the viewing pleasure of playing along with Lamb Chop. And most usually, they keep our sock drawers full.

Now that’s all good and well, but sometimes socks have a dark side. Especially the red ones, and especially on laundry day.

One red sock snuck into my last load of white towels, and you don’t have to be a sock-et scientist to guess what happened. It was an impromptu and unwelcome change to the Sigety home décor. Perhaps fitting for Barbie’s Dream House, but not for my 4th floor walk up. Now all my bathroom towels are pink and the only thing they match is the bottle of Pepto-Bismol in the medicine cabinet. Come on Kim – talk about a rookie homemaker mistake!

But this oversight got me thinking. All it took was one little sock to ruin a whole batch of laundry. That tiny little sock bled onto everything else in the washer. So today, let’s call this menacing little red sock, “The Red Sock of Pessimism.” And in the washer of life, all it takes is one red sock of a bad attitude to ruin a whole day. One person’s cranky crimson vibes can spread to everyone around them.

So even when life makes a switch to the heavy cycle and spins you wildly in hot water – try not to be like the red sock and spread your bad mood to the world (or we’ll end up with a lot of pink and pessimistic people). Do your best to remember all the amazing talents and uses you have, clean up your demeanor, and enjoy the ride.

Inevitably we’ll wake up some days feeling like the red sock, but don’t be a DOWNY! SNUGGLE up to those around you and CHEER them while you SURF the TIDEs of life with a FAB attitude ALL your own. Get out there and pick up your ARM & HAMMER and SHOUT some good news, cause even though we’re ALL: SMALL AND MIGHTY, we can bring the SUN to WISK away ULTRA bad moods and GAIN good attitudes as we help to carry each other’s load from here to the SEVENTH GENERATION.

And yes – I had to google laundry detergent brands to do that.


  1. Thank you!! Sometimes we need the pep talk.

  2. hahaha! Reminds me of candy poster days! Why do you own a red sock? Great post

  3. haha - I almost forgot all about candy posters! It's been far too long since I last made one of those. You and I should make one and send it to Erin. hehe Ah - the good old days :)

  4. I have a solution my dear Kim. Do away with ALL colored socks. Only buy white socks and white towels and bleach, bleach, bleach the heck out 'em every laundry day!


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