Thursday, June 16, 2011


Ok - which one of you replaced all the mirrors in my world with circus funhouse ones?! Did you think I wouldn't notice? It's kinda hard not to when the looking glass aint looking like it used to people! My mid section just keeps getting bigger and bigger...which only further proves your guilt. You messed with my mirrors - and messing with a woman's mirror falls second only in severity to breaking her heart or perhaps threatening her offspring. Indeed, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...or disproportionately represented in her mirror image.

Now, I see you shaking your head in feigned innocence of said switcheroo, but I'm not sure I'm buyin' it. I know you say it wasn't you - but I'll need more than that. Indeed, you better have one GLORIOUS explanation, cause I firmly opt for the mirror swap senario rather than the only other alternatives: that my head is getting smaller - or my body is getting bigger. And you better hope that both aren't happening simultaneously, cause then we've got a real problem on our hands! Or I guess I could always just join the circus...

Wait...What's that you say? You're positive that it's NOT your fault? And what might I ask is your explanation?


You're probably right. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm growing a human inside of me. In which case, you're telling me that it's mother nature who did the image swapping?? Well, that sneaky little...

I guess you're off the hook. But come the start of next year I'd like to see all the mirrors returned to normal...or else mother nature (and my poor husband) will have one hormonally hay-wire mama to answer to! lol

For now though, I guess I'll accept that one aspect of my life - my looks - have joined the circus. But that's where I draw the line. You see, many new mamas, in all their prenatal purchasing unknowingly also invite the rest of the circus over to play. The mirrors are bad enough - but some ladies open the cage of circus animals too. And we aint talkin those delicious animal shaped cookies here either! Call it maternal instincts if you want, but I just call it bananas. Some mom's let their homes go to the animals and jungle print takes the place of any type of previous decor that ever existed.

Sure there are things you need for baby...but some people are obsessed (knowingly or not) with everything and anything jungle animal print. Don't get me wrong. I like a cute and cuddly cartoon lion cub just as much as the next girl. But with every animal print purchase, the beasts start to take over. (Think that Jumanji game) The animals will invade your home if you're not careful. Whether you know it or not...your old pre-baby decor is in danger of a full fledged animal stampeed!

Now some moms don't notice their obsession until its too late. Lions, tigers and bears (oh my!) creep into every inch of their homes. From car seats to curtains and outfits to blankets - those jungle animals multiply like rabbits!

Which begs the question: What about babies makes us want to buy jungle animal paraphinalia? Do we really want our babies raised by wild beasts? Let's get a few things straight. You not Tarzan. Me not Jane. Baby not King of the Jungle. He's actually probably more like Small Fry of Suburbia...but what a cute small fry he is!

All that said, it's time to insert my disclaimer:

Having not fully graduated into motherhood yet, I can't claim to be the expert on baby stuff. And if in the jungle, the mighty jungle of your home, all this animal print gets your little lion to sleep tonight...then by all means - go ape! (And I'll hush my darlin over the matter) It's survival of the fittest out there and the mama with the most sleep wins. So if baby loves it, you love it, or it works for you - stick with it!

But for those of us who'd like to keep the outdoors, well, out...I'm embarking on an expedition THROUGH the jungle and searching beyond for the allusive land of stylish, affordable, and contempoarary baby-dom. Does it exist? From many of your facebook pages - I'd venture to say that yes, yes it does. So all you mama's who've managed to make it out of the jungle unscaved by baby elephants and minirature giraffs - please direct me toward the shores of modern motherhood before September 15th! Websites, directions, DIY projects, encouragement, coupons, stores, specific items you can't live name it - I want it!


  1. I was really, really worried about this before I had Audrey. I was on a tight budget (starving student!) but inconveniently, all the stuff I could afford screamed "JUNGLE!".

    What I did for Audrey was first pick a color scheme. I chose green and pink. Then I went to Babies R Us and bought a bumper and dust ruffle I liked and then bought two fitted, solid sheets to match. No jungle prints. Then I decorated the rest of her room with frames, lamps, clock, etc. that kind of matched my general color theme. In the end, I did buy her the Fisher Price rainforest mobile because it really is pretty awesome -- plays classical music and all that. But if you're not into mobiles, you can always make your own! Check out The Little Tiny on Etsy -- she makes the cutest stuff. And she's a BYU grad, too!

    For Carson, I actually found a super-neutral, non-jungle bumper and ruffle at Target of all places. The ruffle is tan with muted red, blue, orange, green, yellow and white polka dots on it. The bumper is in the same colors but in vertical stripes on a white background. It's pretty much adorable and suits him well. Plus a color scheme like that is easy to decorate around and it's impossible not to find sheets that match. And as an added bonus, the rainforest mobile looked perfect with it!

    Target also has great accessories in the kids' room section -- they're cute but they won't break the bank. And no jungle animals!

    I'm a big believer in decorating a nursery like a real room, not a baby room. I suggest you look at Etsy to see if anything tickles your fancy.

  2. Oh yeah, and IKEA. Definitely hit up IKEA.

  3. I still haven't decorated Teagan's room...oh I in trouble? It's on my to-do list and has been there for 3 1/2 of these days.

  4. jungle is the worst though, everything is just SO expensive!

  5. No decorating over here. I look forward to letting her pick and choose as she gets older. Actually to get her to transition from the crib to a bed I let her pick out her own bedding and guess what she chose... the ugliest pinkest Minnie Mouse bedding you've ever seen. But guess what? It makes her happy every night to go to sleep with her Minnie pillow and blanket.

  6. It's possible Kim! I just had to be creative :) Here's a link to my latest nursery:

    I'll send you pic's of my little guy's nursery. I did make all of the bedding so that helped!

  7. You are too cute! Are you dead set on "jungle" or just looking for decorating ideas?

    I just picked a nice girly set off ebay from this seller:
    $70 for 13 pcs was more than enough for me, and it was awesome. Found a cheap mobile at wallyworld that matched the colors. I think theres pics on my FB somewhere!

    Then since this baby's a boy, I just decided to get out my sewing machine and make the nursery myself. $16 for the bumper with the 20% coupon at BuyBuyBaby, I just changed the trim, and $12 for the fabric at JoAnnes w/ coupons. Painted the wall myself and I'm super excited. Go baby dinos! Pics also on my FB :)

    Cute doesnt have to be super expensive.


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