Friday, May 27, 2011


I grew up in Southern California. Which obviously means I was a surfer girl.

Psshh! Riiiiight.

I'll be the first to admit that I was a total poser in high school. Sure I wore board shorts, Hollister & Roxy clothing, had Bleach Blonde Hair and put pictures of hot surfer guys on my binders, but here's the cold hard truth - swimming in the ocean made me spineless as a jellyfish. In fact, I still feel vulnerable not knowing what's around me and what I'm stepping on. And I'm sure the cardinal rule of surfer girl-hood is that water shoes are not allowed while splashing in the waves. And I'm ALSO sure that I only have two skin color shades (pasty white or lobster red) with tan no where on the radar. My color alone pretty much excludes me from the group. haha And should I mention that I don't really even know any true surfers and that I rarely go to the beach? Yeah...I know...I'm a total poser.

Which brings me to the point of this post today. I'm still a poser. You see, I've been trying to be a naturalist as of late. I've adopted a few more natural habits. But its time for me to nip this issue in the organically grown bud. Don't get me wrong: if your natural fiber Toms shoe fits - by all means wear it. But if your soul needs synthetic soles for support - I'm here today to say that its ok!

I tried the whole oil cleansing method I introduced a few posts ago. Sounded like a great all natrual first. A few days later and plenty of pimples later - I've opted to ditch the oil and reconnect with Neutrogena. So either I wasn't doing the method correctly, or its just not meant to be. But I've been back on my normal facewash for 3 days now and I'm back to zit free bliss. Sorry all natural method - not happening.

And then there's the "no-pooing" method I told you I'd also write about. Don't hold your breath on that one. Well, actually - do hold your breath...this method STINKS! In a nutshell, you wash your hair with baking soda mixed with water and then condition by rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar. The first day I liked the results, but a couple days in - I got tired of smelling like a vinegrette, or more accurately - Easter egg dye. (Imagine the stench when you apply a hot blow dryer to vinegar scented hair. Blech!) So I haven't gotten to the root of my hair woes nor have I unlocked the secret to perfect locks...but I definitely know what doesn't work for me. Yup, the "no-pooing" method just aint for me. Again, that assumes that I was using the method correctly. Any tips from you no-pooing people out there? What's the secret to your success?

So, just to dispell any rumors about me and my all natural self...I'd like to set the record straight and let you know that I am not turning into a hippie. I like wearing a bra. I shave. I recycle when its convenient but don't when its not. I've never hugged a tree (my husband has though - see below). I like eating naturally, but say yes to brownies, treats, and sugar. I regularly. And I wash my face with synthetic soap.

So, I know I'm not a 'surfer girl', and I guess I'm realizing that I'm not as 'hippie' as I thought. But you know what? I'm Kim. And that's gloriously wonderful in its own right.

I'm still open to suggestions on the oil cleansing method and the no-pooing plan should anyone have any tips. But until further notice - I'm begging Neutrogena for forgivess and embracing my old ways.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I'm really sorry the oil method didn't work for you! I am starting to think that no-poo and OCM work well for me because I have insanely dry skin and hair. I'm not sure how it'd be for people who naturally produce more oil. Probably as it was for you!

    I have to confess, since I weaned my baby and started growing out my hair, the no-poo thing is just not happening anymore (I think the weaning thing threw my hormones off big-time). My ends were dry and my scalp was oily and itchy as all get-out! I hated it. So I caved in last week and bought a sulfate-free shampoo and a cone-free conditioner a few times a week and I feel much better now. No-poo is meant for short, SHORT hair. So, I guess I consider myself "lo-poo" now. Ha!

    Life is fun, isn't it? You get lots of ideas and you try them all, and some of them work wonders and some of them suck. I remember when I was pregnant with Carson, everyone was telling me I NEEDED to have a vaginal birth (Audrey was a C-section). And then I did have one, and you know what? It SUCKED! I should have opted for the scalpel.


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