Friday, January 28, 2011


I've lost my cool. I'm not sure where I lost it, but I'm pretty sure it's missing. Some of you may argue whether I ever had it to begin with, but we'll address that in the coming

And thus I write this post in search of my coolness.

Indeed, I've lost sight of my cool factor lately. Not that I've been depressed or anything...but I just haven't been ACTING as cool as I really am. Now, don't think me conceited or self righteous because I say this. I think we are all certifiably "cool" in our own way...but all too often we forget it!

Do you ever forget how cool you are too? It's super easy to do. Life sneaks up with all it's mundane glory and it's easy to get lost in everyday responsibilites.

But today I took a few minutes and looked back at Facebook pictures past and present. And I realized something. I not only have done some pretty ridiculously cool things...but I know so many ridiculously cool people! Emphasis on the riduculous in most cases ;) But cool is more than what you've done or all the people you know. And with that you can call me Nancy Drew - cause I think I've solved the mystery of the missing cool! Cool is more than circumstances. Cool is something you have to cultivate within no matter what's happening around you. So if life makes you feel like you've lost your cool - HOLD ONTO YOUR COOLNESS AND DON'T LET GO! And if you don't think you even had a cool to begin with - you're wrong!

In fact, if you'd like to know why you're cool - take a minute to do some soul searching and I bet you'll find some cool deep down in there. And if not? Give me a call and I'll clue you in on your coolness. After all, everyone can use a little help finding their cool every now and then :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this post (I think every comment I leave on your blog starts this way). Sometimes I try toexplain the degree of my coolness to Zac...bad approach. :) One time I went as far as to prove my coolness to him by showing him show choir videos, it had the opposite effect. haha But deep down I'm going to find my inner coolness and embrace it!


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