Thursday, November 18, 2010


I’m gifty. I think I always have been too. And back when I thought I had to figure out marriage via self help books, I found that the Love Languages book confirmed my giftedness too. Oh, wait, did I say giftedness? How silly of me, I meant gift-i-ness – I speak the language of gifts.

So it comes as no surprise that for the past 20 or so years I’ve asked my mom what she wants for her birthday. Her usual response? “A clean house and happy kids.” To which I’ve always rolled my eyes and said, “No really – what do you want?” I never took her seriously. Who would actually use their birthday powers to ask for a clean house or happy kids when there are SO MANY other things you could ask for?! I mean, honestly mother!

But last night, after glancing at a few dishes in the kitchen and a mound of clean laundry waiting to be folded and my stressed law school student husband reading away on the couch, it happened. I, Kim Sigety, suddenly turned into my mother! I genuinely wanted a clean house and a happy husband for my birthday too! What the…how did…hang on…did I really just…wow. Not knowing how to respond, I did what I’d always done in response to this declaration. I rolled my eyes. Then I laughed. Now I blog.

It took 24 years, but I finally understand what mom meant. The best birthday presents don’t come in Bath and Body packages and they certainly aren’t candy coated or costly. The most important things in life aren’t things, and the gifts that bring us the most happiness are paid for in time and love and not necessarily by Ben Franklins.

I feel so blessed to have a wonderful mom and dad who have taught me this lesson over the years. For all your sacrifices of time, love, AND Ben Franklins for that matter…Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

And on this my day of birth, I can honestly say that I’m happy. Ta da! There you go mom :) You get half of your birthday wish: I’m your kid and I’m happy. As for that clean house part – I suppose I’ll just have to come to California soon and make up for lost time! haha

To my parents, to all the Daltons, to the Sigetys, and to all my wonderful friends through the years - thanks for making my first 24 years so amazing. And here’s to many, many more happy times to come!


  1. That's fantastic! I love love love those aha moments where you realize that your mom isn't crazy and is actually a wonderful person who has it all together. Yet, somehow I still don't always listen to her advice...

    I'm very glad that you were happy on your birthday, you've been my bff for 13 years and counting now....pretty crazy how time flies!

  2. haha, I didn't get a chance to say Happy Birthday on Facebook but Happy Birthday!

  3. haha. I love this post, too. Glad to hear you had a fabulous birthday! Now we just need to finally get to chatting! (I hope you got my phone call!) And wow...has it really been 13 years?! My goodness! We're old! :) Thank goodness for that ward split that I thought was going to end my life. Little did I know that that would mark the beginning of two of the best friendships I would ever have! :) Love you!


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