Many good things came from the 90s. Alanis Morissette, Sister Hazel, Fresh Prince, Saved By the Bell, my graduation from Jr. High, oh yes, and ALL my current furniture.
Ok, not ALL, But I really do only have two pieces of furniture I've purchased on my own. A small black filing cabinet and a green kitchen table with four mauve chairs bought off Craigslist for $20. Hey big spender! Riiiight. The rest of my furniture peices were much needed and appreciated hand-me-downs. Thank you parentals, grand parentals, and a few dumpsters and curbs. I'm not afriad to admit it...people throw away good stuff!
As mentioned in a previous post, we just moved into a 2-bedroom apartment that's ripe for the decorating. But as of right now, all my stuff is lying naked on the floor. I'd like for this illusion to turn into something real...but I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect decor is torn. (torn from the pages of REAL SIMPLE magazine I hope!) Especially becaue there's nothing where we used to lie, and sometimes I fear my insparation has run dry. That's what's goin' on ... nothing's right...
...yet :)
Forgive me - I thought it appropriate since most of my stuff is from the 90s to allude to a song of similar age.
Yes, it's high time I embark on my REAL SIMPLE decorating. Thus, enjoy the following "BEFORE" pictures. And if we're lucky, all my stuff will end up with a perfect spot in our home rather than lying naked on the floor here pretty soon.
Living Room - view from the front door
Kitchen in all its shotgun glory
The master bedroom (and the other bedroom looks pretty much just like it)
Master Bathroom
Guest Bathroom - and my hand/camera :)
Oh man, I forgot to download the pictures of our closets :/ A shame, because that's one of my very favorite things about this new apartment. STORAGE SPACE! Maybe now we can keep John's golf clubs and the vacuum cleaner in a closet rather than out as living room decor.
Look at all that space! It looks awesome, I can't wait to see what ya do with the place.