At church yesterday, our Bishop shared some amazing insights in a class entitled "Calling Down the Powers of Heaven." His message really helped me understand more fully how I can invite God's help into my life. And who couldn't use a little more heavenly help these days?
So I'm putting these steps into practice and I feel an amazing sense of empowerment already. I'm learning how to use the help that God is (and always has been) ready and willing to give contingent upon my faith. And so, wonderful readers, I thought I'd share the steps my Bishop listed with you! I hope they help you reach your goals or overcome any difficulties you might be facing.
I know that the powers of heaven are real and that God loves us and wants to help. It's up to us to invite and qualify for that help and in doing so we can accomplish amazing things.
1. A clear understanding of faith as a principle of power
2. A realization that the powers of heaven are governed by our individual faith
3. Live righteously
4. Prayerfully select righteous desires
5. Specify your goals in writing
6. Specify when your goals will be attained
7. Plead your case before the Lord, telling Him what effort or sacrifice you are willing to make to achieve the desire
8. Consistently think about your desire
9. Use all of your willpower to think positively about your potential to achieve your desire with the Lord’s help
10. Consistently remind yourself that the added power and strength from God that is at your disposal is based on your individual faith
11. Remember the Lord is anxious to grant your righteous desires if you will but qualify yourself
12. Make your specific desires a matter of constant prayer
13. Pray that the Lord will enhance your ability to exercise faith as a principle of power
14. When you face a situation that causes you to doubt your ability to achieve your desire, learn to offer a mental prayer to request the Lord’s help, then exercise faith that He will help you, remembering that if you lack faith you deny the Lord the opportunity to assist you
15. Repeatedly reflect on the promise made by the Savior, “Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7)
16. Recognize at the outset that your faith most likely will be tried
17. Make certain you do your part in your effort to achieve righteous desires
*Taken from Grant Von Harrison, Drawing on the Powers of Heaven. Sandy, UT: Society of Zion, pp. 57-58
missing bishop seamons and my NO ward right now. thanks for sharing, kim. it was just what i needed to hear right now!
ReplyDeleteHey Amanda :) So glad you liked this message. Bishop Seamons is such an amazing teacher, huh? We miss you!