I think I might have signed up to date Oprah. Better still – I signed up through an online dating site. Only this dating site was guised as a contest to win my own talk show. Very tricky Oprah, you sly little multi-gazillion dollar talk show host and media empire icon you, very tricky.
Yes, I signed up for a spot on a reality show, the winner of which would get their own talk show on Oprah’s new TV Network. Only problem? Ms. Winfrey hasn’t returned my casting call. Ouch Oprah, ouch.
But before I spiral into depression and start spooning with Ben and Jerry – let’s keep in mind what I had stacked against me here:
1. Oprah had 9,500 other suitors all vying for her attention. Beat that Bachelor! (Side note, I think Oprah should be the next Bachelorette. That would be undeniably entertaining. Face it, you just pictured a bikini-clad Oprah hot-tubbing with 2 sweet bros, a pro wrestler, a guitar playing romantic, Steve Urkel, a weatherman, and Darrell from The Office. Don’t kid yourself – you’d watch it.) But honestly Oprah, did you really need another tangible reminder of how many people want to be you?
2. I made my audition tape the day before the deadline and uploaded it with only 3 minutes to spare. I hadn’t felt that kind of stress since college! Er - I mean - Hi Mom and Dad. Of course I never saved my assignments for the last minute. Moving on…
3. I don’t have cerebral palsy (the sexiest of the palsies) *See audition winner named Zach.
4. Blah Blah Blah…I could go on and on. But I hate pity parties and would rather not send you on your way with the blog post aftertaste of defeat or frustration. So let’s talk about the subtle optimistic undertones of this whole “Dating Oprah” experience.
Oprah said no, and yes, I have to live with that. The metaphysical band aid got ripped off. It stung for a second, but wait, insert realization - I’m ok! Maybe I wasn’t a perfect match for Oprah’s super stardom search, but I can honestly say that’s ok by me. I got to spend two fun, hectic, hilarious and crazy days making an audition video with my friends Bryn and Lori. I found a project that helped pass the time while John was out of town. And when it came time to rack up the votes, I got more of a response than I ever anticipated. I consider it my own little confidence boost from loving family and friends who took the time to watch and vote, and vote, and vote, and vote and vote. haha You have no idea how much your support meant to me. THANK YOU!
So do I count this as a rejection? NO WAY! I tried. If I’d chosen not to audition, I’d have always wondered what might have been. It would’ve been a missed opportunity, and that really would’ve been something to cry about. So, Oprah, you may have rejected me…but that feels a whole lot better than if I’d rejected the chance to try. Personal triumph – TA DAH! And the blog post crowd goes wild! Cups hands over mouth while making the whisper “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” Thank you! Thank you!
No hard feelings Oprah. I wasn’t your talk show host soul mate, or your broadcaster in shining armor or the reality show contestant of your dreams. Can’t wait to see who you DID pick for your reality show though. It’s like seeing who your ex decides to date next. Intriguing to say the least. haha
I'm going wild, just for you :)
ReplyDeleteHey Bailey! hehe Thanks :) Oh, and I loved your comment on my Yoga post the other day - so insightful! But that's to be expected. You always have the most fascinating things to say. Have a good day!
ReplyDeleteLove this post :) Every experience has a learning moment I suppose. Thanks for your comment on my blog the other day. I will, of course be keeping up with my sibling's blogs and my best friend's blog...I just had to do away with everyone else. I'm glad you and Oprah are friends again. :)