There's TV you watch just to pass the time, and then there's TV you watch that's actually stood the test of time. And once in a while you find a show that speaks to you - you know what I mean - a show that draws you in and has you glued to the tube. A show that makes you care about the characters. A show that makes you happier. A show that portrays a little piece of who you are or perhaps who you want to be. For my husband, that show is "Scrubs". For high school Kim it was "Ed" And for 23 year old Kim its "Bewitched." Something tells me I might have been born in the wrong era...

Hey Lorianne! :) I've been watching them on Hulu - but I should go out and buy the DVDs too! The pilot episode cracks me up. It's fun to see what society/life was like back then. Or at least how they portrayed it on TV. If you have any favorite episodes I should catch - be sure to let me know. They really are fun. hehe