Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hello reader(s) of my blog. If you tuned in to my blog a few posts ago – you heard all about my life as a blonde. But I’m here today to admit that pretty soon, the entire Sigety household will be GREEN. And no - it's not because I've been swimming in a chlorinated pool for too long. This color is rooted in the personalities of the Sigety home.

You see, John is a man that likes to recycle. He gives me dirty looks when I throw a plastic water bottle in the trash. He all but gave me the silent treatment when I opted for paper plates and plastic cups to cut down on the dishes piling up in my sink. And he is the guardian of the stack of magazines and discarded paper that will be lovingly placed in the recycling receptacle in our parking garage.

As for me? I'm a woman that likes her food fresh...and the greener...the better! Yes, I am the goddess of everything green that we eat. If it were up to John, he’d eat trisuits and cheese with Tabasco sauce for every meal. Interrupted only by the occasional quesadilla or chips with cheese. (Ok - so that's a huge exaggeration, but I'm proving a point here people!) I, on the other hand love green foods. I make green smoothies, I eat green and leafy salads, and I love broccoli. In John’s defense – he likes these foods too. But if he’s cooking - it's gonna be carbs and cheese. And in my defense – I like to recycle. But if I’m busy rushing from place to place in a day, I won’t think twice about chucking a water bottle in the trash can.

So with John being green about how he uses nature, and with me eating nature's greens - it looks like we'll probably rub off on eachother here pretty soon. And you know what green and green make when they rub off on eachother? More green. (It's a good thing that's my favorite color)

I guess we're simply destined to be tree hugging plant eaters. And you know what? I'm ok with that. Only, I won't be going braless anytime soon. That's a little too green for me. Also too green for me? Cloth diapers. I think they're a load of crap. (literally) There will be no scraping out and washing diapers at our home. Sick! That would make me GREEN with nausea...and that's the one type of green I'm just not OK with. haha


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